Tim Furlong Jr. - Architecture and Interiors Photographer

committed to excellence

Tim Furlong Jr. is a 4-time international award winning architectural and interior design photographer. He entered this space over 13 years ago and his projects cover brands of lifestyle, architects, interior designers, and developers.


a solid collab

Alongside of photography he also collaborates with other brands and organizations to implement marketing strategies and digital content creation through videos, podcasts, documentaries, and interviews.

beyond the lens

My family…they are the reason behind everything I do. My wife of 10 years, Erika, works for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and together we have two amazing children, Harrison and Margot.


chronology of previous adventures

  • 1994: My first taste of entrepreneurship hit me in the 6th grade with a paper route…what a lasting impression it made on me in retrospect…crazy.

  • 2003: Started a garage organization company (way ahead of its time)

  • 2008: Took over a granite and solid surface company (railroaded via recession..ouch)

  • 2009: This!

  • 2010: Invented an iPad case (The Sleeve 360) with some friends (incredible to ride the Apple wave!)